Traditional Catholic Radio V11

Traditional Catholic Radio

Traditional Catholic Radio

Schedule (U.S. Eastern Time Zone) Current Time: 12:18:13

Sunday Sep 29

Monday Sep 30
St. Jerome (III)

Tuesday Oct 01
Feria (IV)
S. Regimus

Wednesday Oct 02
Holy Guardian Angels (III)

Thursday Oct 03
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus(III)

Friday Oct 04
St. Francis of Assisi(III)

Saturday Oct 05
Our Lady on Saturdays (IV)
St. Placid & Companions (IV)

00:01:00 Zacheus (+JP)
00:28:00 St. Thomas Aquinas (+JP)
00:43:00 15thSAP (+GF)
01:03:00 20th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
01:35:00 Bishop Williamson - Grace Of Fidelity
02:00:00 Teach The Children (+JC)
02:27:00 The Sacred Heart Mirror
02:49:00 Bishop Williamson - Chosen
03:35:00 Art of Parenting - Forming Children for Purityt (+GB)
04:44:00 Judging Ourselves (+JP)
05:17:00 Fr. Portugal _ 15th SAP
05:47:00 Auriesille 2017 - Launch Sermon (+JB)
06:09:00 Christ The King(+PM)
06:38:00 John Venari - Catholic Action (Pt 1)
07:30:00 Music of the Blessed Virgin
08:00:00 Glorius Mysteries of the Rosary
08:30:00 Prime Sunday
09:00:00 Sunday Mass
10:02:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P3
11:14:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+MB)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 Sext-Sunday
12:24:00 John Venari - Catholic Action (Pt 2)
13:05:00 24th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
13:34:00 The Precious Blood of Christ
14:18:00 Last Sunday After pentecost (+SS)
14:46:00 Eucharistic Conference (+PR)
16:00:00 Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
16:30:00 Transfiguration (+SS)
17:23:00 17th Sunday After Pentecost
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Be Renewed in Your Work (+JI)
18:39:00 Fatime(+BF)
19:00:00 Vespers
19:35:00 The Rosary (+SS)
20:00:00 Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
20:25:00 Compline Sunday
20:56:00 Christ The King
21:26:00 18th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
21:55:00 Auriesville 09 (+TP)
22:39:00 Authority and Infallibility (+FS)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Zacheus (+JP)
00:28:00 Doctrinal Conference 13-14(+RW)
01:33:00 16th Sunday After Pent (+SS)
01:55:00 Catechism-May 5 (+TP)
02:38:00 19th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
03:07:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Sufferings, Death, Resurrection
03:44:00 An Enemy Did This (+JP)
04:25:00 Temptations of Christ (+SS)
04:50:00 Purgatory (+KR)
05:16:00 Pharisee (+JP)
05:47:00 La Salette Boys
06:04:00 Fr. Portugal _ All Saints Day
06:27:00 Feast of Christ of the King (+JP)
07:00:00 Daily Mass
08:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
08:30:00 Prime Monday
08:54:00 Fr. Portugal _ 20th SAP
09:30:00 Prime Monday
09:54:00 Fr. Portugal _ 22nd SAP
10:17:00 WALK - Westerman on Myth of Islam
11:01:00 St. Pius X (+SS)
11:28:00 Letter Kills - Spirit Vivifies (+BF)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Monday
12:29:00 Be Vigilant (+PM)
12:56:00 St. Pius X (+KR)
13:32:00 WALK - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
14:13:00 Vatican II and Lefebvre (JV)
15:11:00 16th Sunday After Pentecost (+DC)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
16:34:00 Beauty of Motherhood (+JP)
17:08:00 WALK - Pelagians
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Marriage Mantle (+JP)
19:00:00 News
19:10:00 Fr. Portugal _ 19th SAP
19:37:00 All Saints (+TB)
20:10:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+TB)
20:49:00 20th Sunday After Pentecost
21:18:00 The Light (+SS)
21:46:00 Dr. David Allen White - Illusion
23:00:00 Compline Monday
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Talk for fathers (+PW)
01:47:00 15SAP (+GF)
02:13:00 Auriesville 09 (+KN)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Tuesday
03:55:00 Fr. Couture - Fatime - 1
04:58:00 Auriesville 09 (+HL)
05:49:00 Dont attach yourself to personalities (+SS)
06:17:00 15th Sunday After Pentecost (+AP)
07:00:00 Daily Mass
08:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
08:34:00 Marks of the Church - Unity (+PS)
09:30:00 Prime Tuesday
09:55:00 Christ the King (+DD)
10:24:00 Last Sunday After Pentecost (+SS)
10:53:00 The Mustard Seed (6SAEp) (+SS)
11:13:00 Fr. Portugal _ 24th SAP
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Tuesday
12:29:00 16th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
13:00:00 Fr. Portugal _ 17th SAP
13:33:00 Fatima (+SS)
14:02:00 False Prophets-MP (+AP)
15:00:00 Whims of Our Children (+SS)
15:30:00 Mustard Seed(+PM)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 Marriage Bond (+JP)
17:00:00 News
17:10:00 The Mass-Spirituality (+PR)
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 The Angels (20thSAP) (+JP)
18:47:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P7
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:34:00 Michael Matt - Youth Talk on Music and Culture
21:12:00 No Salvation Outside the Church (+PS)
22:13:00 Mary Is Victor (+JP)
23:00:00 Compline Tuesday
00:01:00 Things Well (+AB)
00:26:00 Fr. Portugal _ 18th SAP
00:56:00 All Saints (+AF)
01:21:00 19th SAP - St Francis (+SS)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
03:34:00 VOCR-Crime
04:39:00 Modernism and Pius X (+GH)
05:45:00 21stSAP Forgiveness (+SS)
06:13:00 15th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
06:43:00 Prayer of Azarias (+JP)
07:10:00 Actual Grace - 24th SAP (+KV)
08:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
08:30:00 Prime Wednesday
08:55:00 Auriesville 09 (+KR)
09:32:00 The Rosary as Protection (+AP)
10:08:00 Mystery of the Night (+JP)
10:41:00 Archbishop Lefebvre - The Man (SH)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Wednesday
12:30:00 The Arians and Today's Situation
13:18:00 16th Sunday After Pent (+SS)
13:40:00 Catechism-May 5 (+TP)
14:23:00 19th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
14:52:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Sufferings, Death, Resurrection
15:29:00 An Enemy Did This (+JP)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
16:34:00 Temptations of Christ (+SS)
16:59:00 Purgatory (+KR)
17:25:00 Pharisee (+JP)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 La Salette Boys
18:29:00 Fr. Portugal _ All Saints Day
19:00:00 News
19:10:00 Feast of Christ of the King (+JP)
19:35:00 Fr. Portugal _ 20th SAP
20:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
20:30:00 Compline Wednesday
21:02:00 Fr. Portugal _ 22nd SAP
21:25:00 WALK - Westerman on Myth of Islam
22:09:00 St. Pius X (+SS)
22:36:00 Letter Kills - Spirit Vivifies (+BF)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Things Well (+AB)
00:26:00 Be Vigilant (+PM)
00:53:00 St. Pius X (+KR)
01:29:00 WALK - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
02:10:00 Vatican II and Lefebvre (JV)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Thursday
03:55:00 16th Sunday After Pentecost (+DC)
04:28:00 Beauty of Motherhood (+JP)
05:02:00 WALK - Pelagians
05:36:00 Marriage Mantle (+JP)
06:14:00 Fr. Portugal _ 19th SAP
06:41:00 All Saints (+TB)
07:14:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+TB)
08:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
08:30:00 Prime Thursday
08:55:00 20th Sunday After Pentecost
09:24:00 The Light (+SS)
09:52:00 Dr. David Allen White - Illusion
10:56:00 Need for Traditional Monesteries (+AB)
11:37:00 22ndSAP-Caesar (+SS)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Thursday
12:29:00 St. George (+DD)
12:45:00 Prepare Yourselves (+KR)
13:16:00 Born of the Virgin Mary (+FS)
13:50:00 Transfiguration(+GP)
14:17:00 Poverty (2ndSOA) (+JP)
14:52:00 Dr. David Allan White - Intro to Greek Theatre
15:31:00 Temptation of Christ (+DH)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
16:34:00 Christ The King (+JB)
17:00:00 News
17:10:00 St. Rose of Lima (+DD)
17:38:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P2
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Auriesville 09 (+JP)
19:12:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+SS)
19:37:00 Church of Christ clarification (JV)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
20:29:00 Compline Thursday
21:00:00 17th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
21:26:00 The Types of Souls (+JP)
21:59:00 Bshp Williamson Interview with True Restoration (Part I) (June 09)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 The Passion Of The Christ Film Discussion PT1 (+JP)
01:13:00 The Passion Of The Christ Film Discussion PT2 (+JP)
02:13:00 Fr. Couture - Fatime - 2
03:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Friday
03:55:00 Fr. Portugal _ Last SAP
04:28:00 VOCR-TCP
04:58:00 Wasting Your Life (+FS)
05:38:00 Christ The King (+SS)
06:11:00 15th Sunday after Pentecost (+DC)
06:39:00 Auriesille 2017 - Our Lady of Fatima (+AP)
07:00:00 Daily Mass
07:49:00 Perfection Through Charity
08:08:00 Dr. David Allen White - Principle of non-contradiction
09:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
09:34:00 St. Michael The Archangel (+JP)
10:19:00 Bshp Williamson Interview with True Restoration (Part II) (June 09)
11:23:00 Family As Domestic Church (+MG)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Friday
12:28:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
12:57:00 Judas (+FS)
13:45:00 St. Thomas Aquinas (+JP)
14:00:00 15thSAP (+GF)
14:30:00 Russian Seminary Chant
15:35:00 20th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 Bishop Williamson - Grace Of Fidelity
16:59:00 Teach The Children (+JC)
17:26:00 The Sacred Heart Mirror
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Bishop Williamson - Chosen
19:00:00 News
19:10:00 Art of Parenting - Forming Children for Purityt (+GB)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:29:00 Compline Friday
21:00:00 Judging Ourselves (+JP)
21:33:00 Fr. Portugal _ 15th SAP
22:03:00 Auriesille 2017 - Launch Sermon (+JB)
22:25:00 Christ The King(+PM)
22:54:00 John Venari - Catholic Action (Pt 1)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Transfiguration (+CM)
00:24:00 Need for Traditional Monesteries (+AB)
01:05:00 22ndSAP-Caesar (+SS)
01:33:00 St. George (+DD)
01:49:00 Prepare Yourselves (+KR)
02:20:00 Born of the Virgin Mary (+FS)
02:54:00 Transfiguration(+GP)
03:21:00 Poverty (2ndSOA) (+JP)
03:56:00 Dr. David Allan White - Intro to Greek Theatre
04:35:00 Temptation of Christ (+DH)
04:59:00 Christ The King (+JB)
05:25:00 St. Rose of Lima (+DD)
05:53:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P2
07:16:00 Auriesville 09 (+JP)
08:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
08:49:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+SS)
09:30:00 Prime Saturday
09:59:00 Church of Christ clarification (JV)
10:40:00 17th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
11:06:00 The Types of Souls (+JP)
11:39:00 Bshp Williamson Interview with True Restoration (Part I) (June 09)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 Sext-Saturday
12:23:00 Fr. Couture - Fatime - 2
13:02:00 Fr. Portugal _ Last SAP
13:35:00 VOCR-TCP
14:05:00 Wasting Your Life (+FS)
14:45:00 Christ The King (+SS)
15:18:00 15th Sunday after Pentecost (+DC)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
16:34:00 Auriesille 2017 - Our Lady of Fatima (+AP)
16:57:00 Perfection Through Charity
17:16:00 Dr. David Allen White - Principle of non-contradiction
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 St. Michael The Archangel (+JP)
19:00:00 Vespers
19:35:00 Bshp Williamson Interview with True Restoration (Part II) (June 09)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
20:29:00 Compline Saturday
20:59:00 Family As Domestic Church (+MG)
22:05:00 23rd Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
22:34:00 Judas (+FS)
23:00:00 Compline Saturday
23:35:00 Evening Prayers
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